Team Jack Leg Drilling


Similar to singles but there are 3 people on a team. First person attempts to start all 3 holes then drills one. First person runs back and the second person pulls drill from that hole and drills a second hole. Second person runs back and third person runs up pulls drill and drills third hole then runs back with drill and removes steel and sets drill down. Fastest time wins. All 3 holes must be inside a 4×6 square.



Similar to singles but there are 3 people on a team. First person attempts to start all 3 holes then drills one. First person runs back and the second person pulls drill from that hole and drills a second hole. Second person runs back and third person runs up pulls drill and drills third hole then runs back with drill and removes steel and sets drill down. Fastest time wins. All 3 holes must be inside a 4×6 square.